Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Human Chain for conservation at Reotahi Marine Reserve

Human Chain for conservation at Reotahi Marine Reserve

The world’s first human chain around the world’s first student-driven marine reserve was a success today.

1005 Northland students, parents’ teachers and community members formed the chain around the landward boundary of the Whangarei Harbour Marine Reserve at Reotahi (Motukaroro) today.

The Experiencing Marine Reserves (EMR) programme, supported by the Department of Conservation, organised this event to celebrate conservation week and the reserves upcoming third anniversary.

Today saw months of planning come to fruition. We got through the day with no incidents, says EMR’s Nicki Wakefield, co-organiser and operations manager for event.
Boats marked the seaward boundary including Ingrid Vissors Orca Research and Dive Tutukaka’s ‘Perfect Day’.

Kerikeri Primary was one of 15 schools that made up the chain and travelled the longest distance. 40 Ngunguru School students had the most unique form of transport, with the journey from Tutukaka to Whangarei Harbour on board Perfect Day. Hundreds of students attended form Kamo High School, the original applicant of this reserve.

We achieved our goal today, all students, parents and community members will go home more aware of the reserve and its boundaries and a sense of pride and ownership of their marine reserve, says co-organiser and event controller Samara Nicholas.

“We had some incredible visitors to show their support for our event today, including a pod of dolphins and a seal, the Whangarei Harbour is truly a special place and worthy of this protection for future generations”

The presence of the helicopter created a lot of hype, it did take a few tries to coordinate over 1000 people to do a perfect Mexican wave, says Samara.
Schools that took part in the chain are encouraged to come back to and snorkel at the site with the EMR marine education programme. “The marine reserve is a fantastic education tool and the support for today’s event shows how interesting and valuable our marine reserves are for not just Northlanders, but all kiwis”

EMR also runs guided community snorkel days during the summer, co-organisers Samara, Kim and Nicki are past students of Kamo High School, which was responsible for the Whangarei Harbour Marine Reserve proposal.

“This marine reserve conserves unique marine biodiversity for the enjoyment of future generations. I am proud to have been involved in pulling off an event of this scale, it was a logistical nightmare, but our team from EMR and the support from DOC, Transfield and many other organisations made it possible” Mrs Nicholas says
“EMR works with schools and communities throughout New Zealand offering first-hand marine experiences and encouraging action for the marine environment. It's great to be a part of such a massive event that will draw attention to the boundaries of this marine reserve through a colossal amount of community teamwork and spirit” says Northland EMR coordinator and human chain co-chief organiser, Kim Boyle.

Children making their way to the reserve.

Getting ready to form the chain.
All photos supplied by Annelies Struijcken

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